40-årsjubilerande Nordic Asylum Law Seminar uppmanar praktiskt verksamma jurister och forskare att sända in konferensbidrag (papers) till seminariet, som äger rum den 23–24 maj 2023 på Köpenhamns universitet.
Sista dag för att sända in bidrag är den 28 februari 2023 kl. 13.00.
Konferensarrangörerna skriver om ämnen för konferensbidragen:
In celebration of forty years of the Nordic Asylum Law Seminar, we invite scholars and practitioners to explore legal questions emerging at the interfaces between international refugee and migration law and other legal regimes, between different legal practices in the Nordics and beyond, and between refugee/migration law and external processes, including politics, economics and growing digitalisation.
In particular, we welcome papers reflecting on the systemic effects of these type of entanglements and their temporal development over the past 40 years. Historically, the Nordic region has been a frontrunner on international refugee and migration law; amongst the first countries to ratify the 1951 Refugee Convention, and pioneering free movement in the Nordic region since 1954 and later through Schengen. During past decades, however, both refugee rights and free movement have come under pressure due to more restrictive practices and legislation. Moreover, Nordic countries may be seen to develop new policies on e.g. third country asylum processing, return/cessation and digital tools in the asylum/migration domain, which themselves raise difficult questions in relation to international law, and in particular vulnerable groups of refugees and migrants.
The conference invites papers focusing on these and other issues of refugee and migration law, with an encouraged focus on the Nordic countries.
In particular, we call for presentations addressing the following thematic focus areas (‘TF’)
Thematical focus areas ('TF')
- TF1) How does asylum and migration law interact with other fields of law (e.g. human rights law, labor law, integration law and security law) in the Nordic region? In particular, how does the different relationships to EU law impact national legal developments in each of the Nordic countries?
- TF2) How do Nordic countries fare before international courts and tribunals with respect to asylum and migration cases, and what patterns emerge from these judgments?
- TF3) What role do and have Nordic countries play(ed) in shaping European and international refugee and migration law?
- TF4) How do Nordic countries interpret and apply international and regional law as a matter of domestic immigration law and decision-making?; Is there (still) a Nordic approach to international refugee and migration law?
- TF5) How are the needs and conditions of vulnerable groups such as children, elderly and LGBT+ applicants taken into account in Nordic immigration law and practice?
- TF6) What is the role of legal practitioners – judges, adjudicators, governmental legal advisers, practicing lawyers, NGO representatives etc – in asylum and migration law in the Nordic region, and how do they interact with international counterparts and academics?
- TF7) How have Nordic countries responded to current crises and events (e.g. Ukranian displacement and the COVID pandemic), and what forward-looking proposals and solutions are emerging from governments, civil society and academics?
- TF8) Do existing and proposed Nordic approaches concur with a Europe-wide and global responses, e.g. with regard to responsibility-sharing, complementary forms of protection and the Global Compacts?
- TF9) How is growing digitalisation of asylum and migration case handling likely to impact the Nordic region? To what extent can digital methods aid scholarship and legal practitioners?
- TF10) What new and/or interdisciplinary approaches are emerging in Nordic scholarship for studying legal issues related to asylum and migration (e.g. empirical, sociological, historical, anthropological)?