Den internationella advokatorganisationen International Bar Association bjuder in till en virtuell konferens den 25–29 oktober 2021: IBA Global Showcase.
Konferensen är gratis för alla deltagare och erbjuder diskussioner om ett mycket brett urval av ämnen liksom möjlighet att delta i en serie nätverkssessioner med några av världens ledande advokater.
Program och anmälan på IBA:s webbplats
Ur programmet:
- LPD Showcase: the role of corporate and government leadership in managing cyber risks
- Fintech vs. banks? Competitors or business partners?
- Business post usual? Transformation of doing business in the Asia Pacific region
- Protection of investments in the MENA Region from local laws to international treaty networks, with a focus on opportunities and challenges when enforcing foreign judgments and arbitral awards
- Young lawyers’ insights in the shape of the future of the legal profession
- SPPI Showcase: bridging the gap – the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) issues for the global legal profession
- A conversation with … Jennifer Newstead
- IBA Showcase: the global crisis of lawyer wellbeing. Unsustainable problems, and principles for a better future
- IBA Bar Seminar hosted by the Moscow Bar Association: the role of the bar in ensuring fairness in assignment of public defence cases
- Build it before you need it: your personal brand, your network and your relationships
- Rule of Law Symposium: equality before the law – bar perspectives on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic
- IBA Showcase: lessons learned from Covid-19. Legal policy assessment
- Making the Africa continental free trade agreement work – the role of the legal profession
- IBAHRI Showcase: law and lawyers under attack
- Travelling along the Camino Way: searching for meaning and purpose in the company of the European Regional Forum
- BIC Showcase: harmonising common and civil law practice. The role of bars in cross-border cooperation
- Managing partners session: what is the future of our law firms?
- Gender equality at the top: is the global legal profession doing enough?
- IBA Showcase: the IBA and modern slavery. New light through old windows
- GC jitters: what is keeping your global client up in 2021?