Advokatorganisationen European Circuit of the Bar håller sin årliga konferens 2018 i Stockholm.

Huvudtema för årets konferens är e-justice.

Information med fullständigt program, anmälan m.m. för konferensen finns på European Circuits webbplats.

Ur inbjudan:

For the first time this year we are offering an additional add on option for Thursday 20th of September, which is an Arbitration event with a fantastic panel of speakers & moderators. This event will be hosted by Arbitration Ireland, the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce & The European Circuit.

The stimulating discussion will cover various themes, including “The future of European investment disputes” and “Cross cultural teamwork in international disputes.”  Judge Christopher Vajda, Judge of the European Court of Justice will be one of the moderators, as will Mr Justice David Barniville SC,Designated Arbitration Judge of the High Court of Ireland. They are joined by an impressive panel of speakers, as our programme outlines below.

The Friday morning will begin with a Court Visit before we have registration followed by a variety of topics including “Litigating Big Data” and “Digital Justice: Tools & Challenges”, with speakers including Sir Ernest Ryder (Senior President of Tribunals),  AG Eleanor Sharpston (Advocate General at the European Court of Justice), David Cairns (British Ambassador to Sweden) and Seamus Woulfe SC (Attorney General in Ireland).