Barnrättscentrum vid Stockholms universitet bjuder in till seminarium den 4 september.
Professor Jonathan Herring, vice dekanus vid juridiska fakulteten vid universitetet i Oxford, talar under rubriken ”Children’s Rights and Children’s Vulnerability”.
Professor Herring skriver i inbjudan:
This lecture will explore the argument that children cannot be given the same rights as adults because they are vulnerable and need protection. It will explore the way that vulnerability is used in policy towards children’s rights. Contrary to a popular line of thought I will accept that children are profoundly vulnerable. However, I will argue that adults are too. While, therefore accepting the radical claim that children’s rights should match those of adults, I will argue this because adults should be treated more like children, rather than that children should be treated like adults.
Seminariet äger rum den 4 september kl. 14.00–15.30 i Bergsmannen, Aula Magna, Stockholms universitet.
Anmälan snarast till
Inbjudan till seminariet ”Children’s Rights and Children’s Vulnerability”.